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Ceres Power and Nissan deepen research and development of low-cost electric vehicle solid oxide fuel cell technology

Ceres Power announced that it has further established a new partnership with Nissan to develop fuel cell technology for electric vehicles (EV). Sirius Power, a spin-off from Imperial College in London, is also the developer of SteelCell's low-cost solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC).

The Ceres Power Company and the British Welding Institute (TWI) have received a total of 8 million pounds (approximately $ 10.4 million) in awards from the British government through the British Advanced Advancement Research and Development Centre (APC).

Steel Cell solid oxide fuel cell fuels are flexible and can use conventional fuels such as natural gas and sustainable fuels such as biogas, ethanol or hydrogen to generate energy with high efficiency. According to Sirius Power, SteelCell solid oxide fuel cells are made of widely sold and widely available materials, are cost-effective, powerful and scalable.

The project with Nissan will involve designing, constructing, testing, and demonstrating a compact, robust solid oxide fuel cell stack produced by Sirius Power Company, and deploying it in various high-efficiency fuels designed by Nissan for biofuels Type of fuel cell module.

After the successful completion of the two-year development plan (EVRE-Extended Range Electric Vehicle) funded by the Innovate UK project, the project naturally became the next step in improving technology and preparing for mass production, bringing the Siles Power Company's SteelCell solid oxide fuel Batteries are used in cars.

Ceres  Power will receive a £ 7 million grant from the UK Advanced Propulsion R & D Centre, while the British Welding Institute will receive a £ 1 million grant for a total project of £ 19 million for a three-year period. The new partnership builds on the successful R & D cooperation between Nissan and Nissan in the past two years, and has witnessed the acceleration of the commercialization of its SteelCell fuel cell technology in the automotive market.

Ceres  Power Corporation recently announced the establishment of a strategic partnership with Weichai Power in China to develop technologies for China's rapidly growing electric bus market. Shortly thereafter, it expanded its cooperation with Nissan.

Ceres  Power has six strategic partners, including Cummins, Honda & Nissan, two unnamed partners, and China Weichai Power, which has just recently established a partnership.

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