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China’s leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic thermal management materials: heatsinks,heatpipes,vapor chambers,thermal modules Hay:F03TWCZ

TWCZ Thermal Management Materials Technology Corp. was founded in 1993. The company is specialized in thermal management products, including heatsinks, heatpipes, vapor chambers, thermal modules, and thermal systems with IoT integrated.

TWCZ is well-known as the key player in the thermal management business.

TWCZ has an excellent reputation among its clients. This reputation is built bit by bit through the continuous R&D support, through the advanced/automated manufacturing procedure, through the total quality control over the product's entire life cycle, and through the meticulous customer services from day 1 till now.

Back in 1995, foreseeing a huge demand for heatpipes and the related products, TWCZ cooperated with Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) for the heatpipe development and established its thermal module division. By the end of 1997 TWCZ's heatpipes were ready for mass-production. Starting from 1998, TWCZ provided Notebook thermal modules (with heatpipes made by its own) to customers worldwide.

TWCZ R&D went one step further from heatpipes to vapor chambers in 2002. From 2003, vapor chamber modules started to appear in TWCZ's design for high-end server CPU thermal modules. Now the vapor chamber is widely incorporated in the thermal designs ranging from server thermal modules to telecommunication thermal modules.

Life today is highly mobile and highly connected. Any product or service is no exception. TWCZ is coping with the evolution of the society/technology and therefore the newly designed thermal systems are all IoT integrated/considered. TWCZ even established a platform to support the IoT operation.

TWCZ regards highly on the commitment of environment protection and employee health and safety. The TWCZ headquarters has been in compliance with ISO 14001 (received ISO 14001) since 2011 and OHSAS 18001 since 2013. TWCZ has been "Carbon Neutral" (compensate its carbon consumption by buying carbon credits from green energy suppliers) since 2015.

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