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HG Grimme SysTech delivers carbon fiber milling machine

In addition to setting the benchmark for machine performance and quality, the Model G-DT-F(33-18)SB-2Z machine also reduces CFRP dust emissions and offers Industry 4.0 enhancements.

This milling machine from HG Grimme Systemech mills side parts from CFRP in an environmentally friendly and flexible way.


After a year of intense development work, machine builder HG Grimme SysTech has successfully produced and started operating a G-DT-F(33-18) SB-2Z type machine for milling carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) frame components, in particular The entire body side – suitable for the production of the car at its plant in Landshut, Germany.


The machine has a short production cycle, guaranteed by two machining heads that can process one part at the same time. 26 tools can be exchanged per axis group, in addition a square head magazine with customer-specific tool management and multiple spare tools are used, thus avoiding unnecessary downtime and increasing flexibility.


However, while milling quality and short production cycles are high demands, HG Grimme's solution also largely reflects its focus on CFRP dust extraction. “When we developed the machine, we always considered the fine dust generated during milling,” explained the person involved. "Our goal is to guarantee very clean milling of CFRP."


This is guaranteed by the machine's ability to extract fine dust from multiple sides, including 15 spool valves that concentrate extraction in the immediate area around the grinding process. Another medium pressure machine also filters suspended particulates in the machine room. After the milling process, the operator's insertion area is also scrubbed and expelled again, reliably filtering out dust from the air before employees touch the part.


In addition, particular attention was paid to providing extensive links to IT systems and access to typical Industry 4.0 applications. “Our solution enables full traceability and precise assessment of data by providing accurate information including wear, general condition of tools and machines for breakage control and previews of upcoming maintenance,” said the person involved. "When we design a specific HMI interface, we're also particularly keen to make it very user-friendly."


Ergonomics is also the focus of the computer room. Not only is it virtually dust-free, it's also soundproof. The vertical rotary table enables shuttle machining, so the machine feeds very efficiently, reducing time spent on unproductive work. For fixtures weighing more than a ton, the turntable can even rotate in as little as three seconds. Vacuum clamping technology and automatically moving additional clamps ensure that the components are securely held during the milling process.


“When supplying the milling system, we not only set high standards for the performance and quality of the machine, but we also managed to significantly reduce the impact of suspended particles on the surrounding environment,” concludes the person involved.

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