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Leaders Create Their Environment & Situation

Real leaders are good at creating an environment that determines the company's culture, which in turn affects the productivity and engagement of their employees, which in turn affects team performance and goals.

The leader or manager of a department has created a "positive" or "toxic" working environment. This is the environment shaped by the behavior of the leader. This environment has a crucial impact on the behavior of employees!

ABC in Psychology:

Affect-Emotion [Emotion-Emotion]



It transforms emotions into behaviors, which in turn affects cognition.

Without the efficient productivity of its employees, the company will never succeed. As a purchasing manager, you must create a working environment where employees can support their business development strategies and contribute their talents. Few management principles stipulate how to maximize employee productivity by focusing on personal motivation and creating a warm working atmosphere. You have to think about how to make the workplace more conducive to creativity, passion and commitment. Do we feel energetic after entering the company? Few people create positive work environments and motivate employees within the organization.

Making the workplace environment a dream factory that motivates employees

Everyone in the workplace spends most of their time in the office. The quality of the workplace environment directly affects a person's sense of well-being and professionalism. An exciting, motivating and fun environment will produce higher productivity. But the question is how can we make it a positive workplace so that it can motivate employees to do their best and yearn for more. What do we need in a positive work environment?

1. A positive work environment should be safe and open, including all elements of fun, support, openness and care.

2. Set reasonable goals, give a sense of mission, guide people beyond their comfort zone, and motivate growth and learning motivation and actively face challenges.

3. It should be interaction and participation, so that employees have the opportunity to share new ideas, explore new development methods and stay motivated.

4. The workplace should always encourage participation, collaboration, work distribution and teamwork.

5. It should create an environment where people have the freedom and flexibility to make decisions about their work.

6. Workplaces should be careful and respect the unique qualities of all employees.

How can leaders create such a stimulating work environment?

Leaders (leaders, CXOs, founders, bosses) are usually senior managers and role models and mentors for their subordinates. Leaders should be approachable, friendly and open in all respects. These are all ways in which leaders can create a positive work environment.

1. Leaders should rely on their expertise and experience to help employees and share knowledge to improve employee performance.

2. Have a sense of humor and a friendly personality, can make people feel comfortable at work, to do their best to help the organization.

3. As a good listener and communicator, they can communicate each other's needs.

4. Become a leader, be honest and trustworthy, the leader can build trust factor among employees.

Ways to maintain a positive and successful work environment

Set the right vision, set the right goals

The correct vision and goal are the motivation and direction of people's actions. The correct vision is equally important to the organization and individuals. With a clear direction, it is meaningful to work hard.

Make the goals clear and concrete into the action plan.

Lead by example, set an example [walk our talk]

Too many leaders now tend to say too much and do too little!

If you want employees to be active and dedicated, leaders must be active and dedicated first. No one wants to believe what they hear, they tend to see it. Actions speak louder than words, and your employees are watching you every word. Visions without action support will soon die.

Building trust

Encourage open communication by allowing subordinates to share their information and knowledge. Also, encourage them to share their thoughts and mistakes. Listen more than you speak and ask for their suggestions and opinions.

Provide feedback

Set performance standards, set goals, set deadlines and communicate your expectations on a regular basis. Give honest feedback after completing assigned tasks and encourage people to come up with new ideas.

Appreciation, praise and recognition

Give people recognition at any time, appreciate each of their potential abilities and praise their outstanding performance. Be grateful to them by adding more responsibility and authority, and give them plenty of room for growth.

Awaken emotions and develop new learning plans

Wake up the sleeping mood in time, provide training and development opportunities on content, technical skills and soft skills. Assign people difficult tasks to expand their skills and increase creativity and productivity. Encourage and challenge them out of their comfort zone.

Hold regular meetings

Don't underestimate the importance of holding a meeting. Try to identify the difficulties faced by the team members. Make each of them feel special and concerned. It makes employees feel that they are important to the company.

Sharing information and knowledge

Continue to share information with each other and encourage others to do so to keep people up to date on the industry. Reward people's knowledge and information sharing attitudes.

Advanced infrastructure and advanced technology cannot bring about a positive working environment. It comes from the motivational strategy followed by the production management team. When employees feel concerned, valued, recognized and respected, they will pay 100% of their effort and commitment in return. The manager's job is to create a work environment that empowers employees to achieve their goals and experience the value of their professional lives.

Leader's expectations guide the leader's behavior and attitude, which influences the shaping of the organizational environment and ultimately affects the behavior of employees.


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