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The US Department of Energy [DOE] grants support for the development of carbon fiber hydrogen storage tanks and automotive composite parts

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that it will provide approximately $64 million in funding for 18 projects in fiscal year 2020 to support the rapid development of the hydrogen industry, including the development and application of carbon fiber hydrogen storage tanks.

US Secretary of Energy Brouillet said: "Hydrogen has the potential to integrate China's domestic energy resources, increase the value of industrial and energy-intensive sectors, and broaden technical options for medium and heavy transportation. These projects will bring us closer to the realization of hydrogen energy. Full potential to build a resilient, flexible and affordable energy system for all Americans."

These projects will be funded through the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Office (HFTO) of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office (EERE), including the development and application of carbon fiber hydrogen storage tanks.

Prior to this, the U.S. Department of Energy had also allocated 139 million US dollars to support the development and application of new and innovative automotive technologies and composite parts in 16 subject areas.

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