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BASF launches MasterTop 1327-20dB, a new seamless polyurethane flooring system material

BASF's Master Builders Solutions Division introduced a new seamless polyurethane flooring system material, MasterTop 1327-20dB.

MasterTop 1327-20dB has great advantages in indoor acoustics, design and sustainability, as evidenced by the recent global certification from the Building Research Institute (BRE).

MasterTop 1327-20dB is the ideal solution to provide aesthetics, walking comfort and the lowest noise level environment for hospitals, educational institutions, hotels and museums.

It is the world's only liquid flooring system that reduces vertical sound transmission (such as impact noise) by as much as 20 dB, thanks to the innovative sound insulation layer, which is also applied in liquid form like all other components of the MasterTop 1327 system. Therefore, it simplifies the application of the floor, especially in rooms with complex shape designs, to achieve maximum creative freedom and separate floor design.

MasterTop 1327-20dB is a complete system that helps achieve the best indoor air quality and meets the low emission limits of the German Building Products Health Related Assessment Board (AgBB).

In addition, they are certified under the Environmental Assessment Methodology for Building Research Institutions (BREEAM) and meet the requirements of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standard. With their extreme durability and ease of maintenance, they can also reduce life cycle costs.

BASF's MasterTop 1300 series earns an A rating in the BRE Green Guide.

The MasterTop 1300 series, including the MasterTop 1327-20dB polyurethane resin flooring system, is now listed in the BRE Green Guide with different specifications as Grade A. This guide provides designers and designees with the best choice when selecting building materials and components. Guidance on best environmental choices.

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