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British Marshall Advanced Composites Company awarded 5-year contract from Lockheed Martin for C-130J interior trim panel for transport aircraft

British Marshall Advanced Composites (Marshall) and Lockheed Martin signed a 9.5 million pound contract to produce and supply cockpit interior panels for the C-130J "Super Hercules" transport aircraft in the next five years.

The general manager of Marshall Advanced Composites said: "We are very pleased to be awarded a 5-year contract from Lockheed Martin. We have been supplying sheet metal for more than 20 years and we have a lot of relatively short-term contract experience. We reduce the cost of supply The ability, excellent on-time delivery records and the desire for process innovation make customers confident to give us another long-term contract. We are very proud to support the global C-130 aircraft. "

These plates will be produced at the Marshall composites plant in North Yorkshire, UK, using glass fiber / phenolic sandwich panels and Nomex® honeycomb core materials, followed by surface painting and electrical assembly and integration, thus providing Lockheed Martin with Factories in the Marietta area provide plug-and-play line-end kits.

The plates provided have different sizes and complex structures. The kit consisting of 14 plates or 18 plates constitutes the center console of the C-130 cockpit.

Marshall Advanced Composites is a member of the Marshall Aerospace and Defense Group, which has been responsible for maintaining and overhauling C-130 transport aircraft for the past 50 years.

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